If you haven’t been filing your taxes for the past few years, it can easily get out of hand and make it a pain to even begin preparation for back taxes. We are thoroughly familiar with the US tax system and have a track record of helping small businesses avoid penalties by filing taxes of all years on time.
It’s simpler if you have only current year to file taxes for but even then you have to make sure to avoid mistakes. Any errors can prove to be costly in the future and require amendments, which is an entire separate process in itself.
Small businesses don’t have enough leeway in their budgets to afford hefty IRS penalties due to mistakes and errors in tax preparations. This is why it is important to entrust tax preparation to experienced accounting professionals that have been helping businesses bring tax returns for all years on track.
At 1 Stop Global Financial Services, we’re up-to-date with all tax regulations of all states in the US and process quick back taxes to bring you up to speed, on point, and on track. No matter how many years you’ve failed to prepare your tax returns, we’ll get your entire tax history sorted out ASAP.